Keep Fit On The Road: Working Out While Traveling

Traveling and staying in shape don’t normally go hand in hand. We all know a vacation is the time for over-indulging, treating yourself, and then coming home feeling about 15lbs heavier! However, I personally think time out of your routine is a great opportunity to prioritise your health. With fewer pressures and commitments, why not take full advantage and get fit so you go home feeling refreshed and revitalised?

Or, at the very least, don’t view travelling as a fitness regime ruiner, and learn how to keep your health in check while on the go. I’m going to share some of my easy top tips on how to look after yourself and your health while you’re traveling.

It’s pretty obvious that no one really wants to spend hours on end exercising while they’re travelling the world, so my approach has always been about maximizing output while minimizing input. Full body resistant workouts ,focusing on major multi-joint weighted exercises (think squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press) are my travel go-to because they do exactly that. Working multiple muscle groups in one go means you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time and get more bang for your buck. Easy like a Sunday morning!

This approach also means you can get away with training less often than if you choose to train specific muscle groups individually (I aim for 2-3 times a week while traveling as opposed to 5-6), therefore creating more time for enjoying yourself – which is for sure the main reason you are traveling in the first place!

This type of workout tends to require access to a gym/equipment, but the good news is that most gyms offer day or week passes, which is perfect for us travelers who only tend to be in a place for a short amount of time. An added bonus for those on a tight budget is that they are often free of charge if you ask nicely! Even better? Some hotels have onsite gyms to help you keep your workouts on track.

Another great training style perfect for traveling and one that you should take full advantage of is HIIT (high-intensity interval training).  It’s ideal for getting your heart rate up, getting a sweat on and leaving you feeling fab. HIIT involves brief bursts of exercises in which you give 100% maximal effort interspersed with short recovery periods.

An example would be 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 20 rounds, with exercises such as burpees, push-ups, and sprints. Because this type of training is so intense, your body takes a while (up to 48 hours!) to return to its normal state, and consequentially you continue to burn calories at an elevated rate even when you have finished exercising. So while you’re sitting drinking an ice-cold beer on the beach, your body is likely to still be burning off some extra calories. Gives a new meaning to ‘beer belly,’ hey?!

Another benefit is that HIIT doesn’t take long to complete (if you did the mental maths my example workout would only take 20 minutes) and doesn’t necessarily require any equipment. All you need is yourself! So, if the gym is a big no-no for you while jet setting, you can always squeeze in a quick dorm-room/park bench/beach workout when you find yourself with a few spare minutes.

For those extra keen to stay fit while away, a resistant band is one small and light piece of equipment I would recommend taking with you. They not only offer a greater variety of exercises but can also massively increase the intensity of your workouts.

Also helps to bring your trainer along.

Active Duty US Army soldier and Personal Trainer. Owner/Operator of a small PT business, also avid traveler and foodie with a taste for adventure.

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