ARTOTEL Beach Club Sanur

Located in the heart of Sanur, ARTOTEL Beach Club brings a whole new level to the world of beach clubs in the Bali area. This dreamy laid-back beach club strives to curate a setting that makes you feel good while offering great music, comforting quality food and drinks.

As soon as we walked in, the 1st thing we noticed was the amazing art and view of the ocean.  

We were greeted by a beautiful host that walked us over to a plethora of beautiful beds on the beach. They seated us at one of the beds, handed us a menu and immediately I noticed that they have vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan options. YAY! We’re about to have lunch in bed on the beach! WHAT! I felt like a Kardashian. LOL!

Swimming pool, dining, private beach, inclusive playground, luxurious lounge & mezzanine, bar, and free wifi; you name it, they have it at this beach club. Are you sold yet? Well, let me tell you about all the delicious food we had.

-Fresh Young Coconut drink

This coconut was outstanding, tropical and refreshing. It had the beach clubs logo branded on the side of it which I thought was super cool. This coconut was also huge and can be shared by two people.

-Kecombrang Martini: Vodka, fresh Kecombrang, strawberry, raspberry, Elderflower Syrup served with Sambal Matah & Melinjo Crackers. This drink was sweet and fruity, a perfect drink for the setting we were in.

-Rendang Croquette: deep fried braised short rib beef, West Sumatran Curry Aioli
-Tuna Be Pasih Salad: tuna tataki, Bumbu Be Pasih, watermelon, spinach, pickled red onion, coconut, quail eggs, Snake Beans Sambal Matah, Tapioca Crackers

Main Dish
– Pepperoni Pizza: Napoli Sauce, Mozzarella, Deli Salami and Dried Chili Flakes.

Everything we had was amazing! I mean the full experience was superb, the service and the food. While we were sitting there relaxing and enjoying our lunch, the loveliest elderly lady came over and asked if I wanted a foot massage. It cost me only $10, so why not right?! It was the cherry top that wrapped up our experience and made it absolutely perfect!

There are tons of beach clubs all over Bali, but I can confirm that Artotel Beach Club is one of the most enjoyable ones that I went to when I was in Bali. You would be foolish not to stop by for the full experience. Don’t be foolish!

Visit ARTOTEL Beach Club website to view their menu.
Instagram @abcsanur

Jl. Danau Tamblingan 35 Sanur, Bali 80228

Naomi is a stylish, adventurous traveler.  She’s a bit of a daredevil that loves excursions. Those that know her, call her a shoe connoisseur. She is also obsessed with music and has a playlist for just about any mood. She’s a foodie that loves a good vegetarian/vegan spot. Want to know where she is headed next… stay tuned to find out!

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